Saturday, June 14, 2008

Guidance of the Spirit

Dear Family:

As I was reading this week in Elder Eyring's book "To Draw Closer to God," that I received for my birthday, I was impressed to share this quotation from Marion G. Romney which Elder Eyring referenced:

"If you want to obtain and keep the guidance of the Spirit, you can do so by following this simple four-point program.

"One, pray. Pray diligently. Pray with each other. Pray in public in the proper places ...

"Learn to talk to the Lord; call upon his name in great faith and confidence.

"Second, study and learn the gospel.

"Third, live righteously; repent of your sins by confessing them and forsaking them. Then conform to the teachings of the gospel.

"Fourth, give service in the Church.

"If you will do these things, you will get the guidance of the Holy Spirit and you will go through this world successfully, regardless of what the people of the world say or do."

Marion G. Romney, "Guidance of the Holy Spirit," Ensign, January 1980, p.5

I pray that we may all be able to follow Elder Romney's counsel and receive guidance from the Holy Spirit in our lives.



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