Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Raising your children during these difficult times

Elder Quentin Cook in the last General Conference:
I know that many of you are concerned about raising your children during these difficult times and increasing their faith. When my wife and I were starting our family in the San Francisco Bay Area, we had that same concern. At a critical point our stake members were advised by Elder Harold B. Lee, then a member of the Twelve, that we could raise our families in righteousness if we would:
  1. Follow the prophet.

  2. Create the true spirit of the gospel in our hearts and homes.

  3. Be a light to those among whom we live.

  4. Focus on the ordinances and principles taught in the temple.

(See D&C 115:5; Harold B. Lee, “Your Light to Be a Standard unto the Nations,” Ensign, Aug. 1973, 3–4.)

As we followed this counsel, our faith increased and our fears decreased. I believe we can raise righteous children anywhere in the world if they are taught religious principles in the home.

I am sure as we follow the counsel from apostles of Christ, we can have the Spirit in our homes. Our homes will be safe havens - holy places where we might stand.



(originally emailed 23 Dec 2007)

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