It is fitting this week that we review an excerpt from President Hinckley's final conference address for our quotation this week. This is the final paragraph of his final talk, The Stone Cut Out of the Mountain.
"I leave with you my testimony of the truth of these things, and I invoke the blessings of heaven upon you. May the windows of heaven be opened and blessings showered upon you as the Lord has promised. Never forget that this was His promise and that He has the power and the capacity to see that it is fulfilled. I so pray as I leave my blessing and love with you in the sacred name of our Redeemer, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen."
How wonderful it has been to have been led by a living prophet! And now, as President Hinckley has joined his lovely wife on the other side of the veil to await the resurrection, how wonderful it is that the Church is led by 14 living apostles - prophets, seers and revelators. How wonderful it will be, in the next few days, to see the mantle of leadership pass to the one whom the Lord has prepared and consecrated to be the next president of the Church.