Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Keys of the Priesthood Bless our Families

Last night, when I spoke with Claudia from my hotel room in Overland Park, Kansas, she recounted how David had given Devlin a priesthood blessing prior to attending his first day of kindergarten, exercising his authority as a father and priesthood holder to serve his family. What a thrill it was to hear of a worthy son extending not only a family tradition, but taking the initiative to draw down the power of heaven on behalf of his family.

I also felt the sweet assurance of the spirit yesterday morning as Eric joined me to give Holly a blessing to start her first day back to school.

This morning, during my "walk with the giants," I listened again to President Eyring's talk from the last general conference. Three brief sentences the uttered in testifying of the reality of priesthood keys impressed me:

"Revelation and inspiration have come to him [President Monson] in my presence, which
confirms to me that God is honoring those keys. I am an eyewitness.
They are keys of a priesthood which is, in the Lord's words, "without
beginning or end."5

President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency, The True and Living Church, Saturday Morning Session, April 2008 General Conference.

As he spoke those words, the Spirit whispered to me that a similar miracle had occured in Dent-Dixon homes yesterday. Keys and authority of the priesthood were exercised in faith. Revelation was received and spoken. God honored those keys. We are grateful witnesses.



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