Monday, September 8, 2008

Lessons from Liberty Jail

Last night's CES Fireside with Elder Jeffrey R. Holland was fantastic. He discussed in detail the horrific experiences that Joseph Smith and his fellow Saints had during the harsh winter of 1838-39, particularly those in Liberty Jail. He explained how the atrocities they endured could be likened to experiences we have in the temple -- a place of spiritual instruction.

Elder Holland suggested three lessons we might learn from that "jail temple."

  1. Everyone (including and perhaps especially the righteous) will be called upon to endure trying times and feel "spiritual loneliness." We must not succumb to the fear that God has abandoned us; He is right there with us!
  2. Just because difficult things happen, we are not unrighteous or unworthy of blessings. The same thing happened to the Savior and because He rose above it, so can we.
  3. In the midst of difficult situations and feelings, we must remain clam, patient, charitable, long-suffering, kind, and forgiving. The real test of our faith is when things are not going smoothly.
He then quoted D&C 121:36 and explained that if we are to call upon the powers of heaven, we must live and act in accordance with God's commandments.

Elder Holland concluded with a beautiful apostolic blessing upon all who could hear his voice. That was wonderful to witness. He also encouraged us to read D&C sections 121, 122, and 123, which were all revelations Joseph received while incarcerated in Liberty Jail. Since we all have difficult circumstances in our lives, we can learn from those who have suffered far worse.

Please watch the CES Fireside if it is rebroadcast in your area! It was wonderful!



1 comment:

Mark Dixon said...

Thank you, Heidi, for sharing this. I look forward to a time I can listen to a rebroadcast.
