Sunday, May 18, 2008

Covenants Protect Us

Dear Family:

Friday night, Ryan was endowed in the Mesa Arizona Temple. Being with him and other endowed members of our family that night brought unspeakable joy. In contemplating the significance of the covenants Ryan entered into that night, and knowing that five of our six children and all three of our married children's spouses have experienced the same covenants, I was inspired by reading the following quotations.

The first, from Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Council of Twelve Apostles:
"A covenant made with God is not restrictive, but protective. Such a concept is not new. For example, if our water supply is not clean, we filter the water to screen out harmful ingredients. Divine covenants help us to filter out of our minds impurities that could harm us. When we choose to deny ourselves of all ungodliness, we lose nothing of value and gain the glory of eternal life. Covenants do not hold us down; they elevate us beyond the limits of our own power and perspective." (Russell M. Nelson, “Personal Preparation for Temple Blessings,” Liahona, Jul 2001, 37–40)

The second, from Sister Bonnie D. Parkin, Relief Society General President:
"Covenants—or binding promises between us and Heavenly Father—are essential for our eternal progression. Step-by-step, He tutors us to become like Him by enlisting us in His work. At baptism we covenant to love Him with all our hearts and love our sisters and brothers as ourselves. In the temple we further covenant to be obedient, selfless, faithful, honorable, charitable. We covenant to make sacrifices and consecrate all that we have. Forged through priesthood authority, our kept covenants bring blessings to fill our cups to overflowing. How often do you reflect that your covenants reach beyond mortality and connect you to the Divine? Making covenants is the expression of a willing heart; keeping covenants, the expression of a faithful heart. ...

"May our individual covenants that bind us to our loving Heavenly Father guide us, protect us, sanctify us, and allow us to do likewise for all His children."(Bonnie D. Parkin, “With Holiness of Heart,” Ensign, Nov 2002, 103)

I know this to be true. I have experienced the protective power promised by our Savior. Our covenants with God do protect us in this troubled world. May we always be mindful of the covenants we have made and do all in our power to keep those covenants. Then, the great promises of protection, enlightenment and joy the Lord promises to the faithful will be ours.



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